Genn Wintord

UP: Napa Valley

Ocllo - More harpies
were seen in Ocllo today. And in even greater numbers than
before. A possible reason for this became apparent when it
was discovered that a harpy hen had formed a nest on the west
coast of the island.
After much bloody battle with the foul pseudo-birds, it became
obvious that their numbers would not decrease while the hen lived. Even though harpy
corpses litter the isle, many more came to take their place. The search for the nest and
the harpy hen became the focus of all.
When found, the harpy hen was seen to be a solid color - a color
similar to the feathers of a harpy, but all over her body instead of merely the feathers.
She put up a fierce fight, using magic, which surprised many of the warriors. Many fell to
her before any had even had time to realize how strong she was. The effort to defeat the
hen would demand the actions of many to become as one. Working in this way, the harpy hen
was finally laid low. And as suspected, with her fall the number of harpies started to
dwindle rapidly. A final assault managed to rid the island of them completely. The nest
remains, but even it will be put to the torch when time allows.
Many thanks to all who defended the island of Ocllo.
Related article(s):
Harpies on the island of Ocllo

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Wednesday, March 25th 1998
