UO Curse Tool 2.1

General Info

Mar 01, 2001
Whaddayaknow, of all functions the Curse tool offers, the Curse function itself didn't work properly with UO:TD. Download the fix to correct the error if you just downloaded version 2.0, otherwise get the full 2.1 install.

Feb 24, 2001
The first major upgrade to the UO Curse Tool since two years *gasp*. New in this version is the support for the new UO:Third Dawn client (including gestures) and some minor changes regarding the saving of window size and position.

Feb 27, 1999

The UO Curse Tool is the first 3rd party utility to be approved by Origin as a UO Pro utility. This means that it is now safe to use this tool together with UO. No more risks of being banned, although I seriously doubt if anyone got banned over using the Curse Tool, well, unless someone said "Thou wenching horn-mad gull-catcher!" to a GM ofcourse...

Trying to role-play in Ultima Online can be fun. Especially when you try to use the old elizabethian style of talking. You know, by using thee, thou, thine and the occasional mayhap or prithee. Now talking that way can be quite difficult, even more when english is not your native language. But when it comes to cursing you really run out of words you can use very soon. For that reason I have created a little tool called UOcurse. At the press of a button it will hurl a curse in old elizabethian style to the window Ultima Online is running in. This way the text will be displayed just as if you had typed it in yourself. The tool creates these curses at random. There are more than 350.000 different curses possible. In case you are wondering what these curses look like, here are some examples:

  • Thou beslubbering paper-faced egg-shell!
  • You artless hedge-born jack-a-nape!
  • Yer clouted swag-bellied maggot-pie!
  • Thou wenching horn-mad gull-catcher!

There are a lot of sentences that keep appearing when playing Ultima Online. The ones that are used the most are probably 'hi buy' and 'hi sell'. To make these mini conversations a little more pleasant I have added 24 slots to the UOcurse tool. In each slot I can enter a sentence that can be hurled to the UO window at the press of a button. See the picture below for some examples of these frequently used sentences. Because I have more than 1 character I play with I have created 20 sets of 24 sentences each so each character can use the text-sets that suits him or her best.

You can enter keywords for each sentence. These keywords will be displayed on the smaller window instead of displaying the whole sentence.

You can specify whether the tool should press the [ENTER] key after transferring the text to UO. If no [ENTER] is generated then the text will be visible in the lower left corner of the UO screen as if you typed it in yourself. You can then add or change words and then press [ENTER] yourself.

Previously you could choose Thou, You or Yer as Curse prefix. Now you can use any prefix you like. Just type it in the prefix field.

The total number of different text sets has been increased to 30.

Added support for the new UO:Third Dawn gesture command.

You can use up to 6 variables in your sentences. This can be handy when you use different pets. See the picture below to see some examples. And I am sure there are lots of other handy things you can do with these variables.

The Always on Top feature can be used to make the Curse Tool float over all other windows. This can come in handy if you want to place the Curse Tool window in the black border that surrounds the UO screen in Big Window mode. Note: The Curse Tool cannot be used when UO is in full screen mode.

A lot of people have asked to make the tool much smaller. For them I have added a 'Display small window' button that will make the UO Curse Tool window shrink so that it will fit next to UO on a 800*600 resolution screen. (See picture to the left)
Ofcourse for some people small is not small enough and others preferred a horizontal layout instead of a vertical one. To satisfy these people I made an even smaller version. (See picture above)

The UO Curse Tool is freeware.

The UO Curse Tool works on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT and Windows XP. It does not work on Windows 2000.

Currently available for download:

Installation instructions are included in the ZIP file.

If you don't know how to open a ZIP file, download WinZip.

Have fun!

This is a "UO Pro" Utility, which means that its use promotes and is in keeping with the spirit of the Ultima Online product, community and value system, and the use of this utility by players will not be considered by Origin Systems, Inc. as cheating.

This product was created, and is marketed and distributed by Xena Dragon under license from Origin Systems, Inc. ORIGIN SYSTEMS HAS NOT TESTED THIS PRODUCT IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER AND DOES NOT KNOW WHETHER IT WORKS IN ANY OR ALL REASONABLY FORESEEABLE SITUATIONS OR THAT IT WILL NOT CAUSE DAMAGE IN SOME REASONABLY FORESEEABLE SITUATIONS. Xena Dragon solely warrants that this product will work as intended to your reasonable expectations, and does not infringe anyone's intellectual property rights.

To verify that this product is a "UO Pro" utility, please go to Origin's website at http://support.uo.com/uopro.html and locate the name of this product. Follow the link on Origin's page back to this site. If you can't find this product listed on Origin's website, then this product is not an approved "UO Pro" Utility. Any and all unauthorized use of the UO Pro logo and/or other false claims of approval are strictly prohibited and shall be prosecuted."

Ultima Online and Origin are trademarks of Origin Systems, Inc. Used by permission.

Date Version Comments
7 jan 98 1.0 Initial release.
24 jan 98 1.1 Moved Curse button and added small window.
29 jan 98 1.2 Solved the "Runtime error '9' Subscript out of range" error.
1 feb 98 1.3 Made the emote-say-yell-whisper selection work again.
8 feb 98 1.4 The tool now remembers the curse prefix (Thou/You/Yer).
Solved another "Runtime error '9'".
The tool will not get 'stuck' in the taskbar anymore.
24 feb 98 1.5 When the tool was stopped from the small window, some resources were not freed and the UOcurse program would stay in the tasklist.
1 may 98 1.6 The tool automagically finds the Ultima Online window. There is no more need to input the name of the window yourself.
On the small screen an area was added that will display the full text when the mouse move over a sentence or a button.
5 june 98 1.7 Added keywords to be displayed on the smaller window instead of the full text.
The [ENTER] at the end of each sentence is now optional.
Added an even smaller window.
The maximum length of the text you can enter is 77 because UO will not display more than that amount.
24 july 98 1.8 Added another 10 textsets of 24 sentences each
Added 6 variables that can be used
Made the prefix of the curse freeform text
31 dec 98 1.9 Added an Always on Top feature
24 feb 01 2.0 Added support for the UO:Third Dawn client
Added support for UO:Third Dawn gestures
Added saving of window size and position
1 mar 01 2.1 Made the Curse button actually work with UO:Third Dawn

Comments ? Send me an email at [email protected]