Submit Your Own Story To This Section, E-mail It Directly To Joshua Rowan
1ST PLACE - The Dragon's Treasure by Dr Dolittle of Atlantic
2ND PLACE - When I Close My Eyes by Hexadecimal of Sonoma
3RD PLACE - Palar The Just And The Orc Named Razraoug by Megilhir
A Family Treasure Hunt by James Ridder
Epic Battle by Sam Criswell
The Necromancer by Sylvanus
Vanguard into Ilshenar by Azrael of Catskills
The Dungeon Crawl by Lord Brytt of Baja
A Tamer's Secret by Lava of Great Lakes
It's a Miner's Life by Kazadon of Napa Valley
Hunting the Vorpal Bunny by Tancred RedStar of Chesapeake
Angel's Wings by Saurus
Cayle Gruien by Mal of Europa
Meeting Bok by Cynewulf
Attack on Minoc by Joshua Rowan
Lambert in Britannia by Lambert of Siege Perilous
The Bard by Lady Faelyn Rose of Chesapeake
Dangerous Dirk and His Animal Army by Robin of Vesper, Napa
The Art of Chivalry, by Govannon Mac Lyr
A Wanderer's Tale, by Cyrus of Sosaria
Battle For Trinsic by Feral of Pacific
The Traveler by Lady Faelyn Rose of Chesapeake
Darkest Magick: Magery 101 by Lord Dorelliun of Great Lakes
The Task: A UO Tale by Mezopherz Xanzar of Sonoma
The Lost Monarchy of Nujel'm by Courtney of Napa Valley
The Strange History of the Bagaroons by Morigan O'Sidhe of Chesapeake
The Journals of Nephraal, entries 45 and 82
Rescue by Cerebus the Warrior of Great Lakes
Annals of the Dark Tower by Sigrun, Mistress of the Dark Tower, Baja
Letters To My Dearest Sister Tiyana by Drakel Von Gorak
A Fair Song by Tasoli
RD's Hammer by James Ridder
Several Tales by Mal of Europa
The Dragon's Treasure by Dr Dolittle of Atlantic
"Treasure..." The needle sharp talon taps the paper as Draco nods, grinning.
I carefully pick up the ancient parchment and look at the flickering lamp light shining through four tiny holes. Then I spread the document out on the table, examining the cryptic figures drawn on the page. To me it seems as if someone had coated the feet of a small bird with a reddish-brown ink and allowed the creature to run wild over the paper.
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When I Close My Eyes - By Hexadecimal of Sonoma
Hesitantly the man approached the tavern, the hood of his cloak pulled low over his brow, concealing his delicate Elvin features. His painted face, though savage looking in its design would not be enough to hide his heritage. Although times were better than before, there were still few places in the humans lands were an elf would be welcome.
Smoothly he opened the tavern door, and quickly took at seat in the darkest corner he could find. It was still early, though he knew better than to be late. He nervously glanced about the room to see if anyone had noticed, apparently the patrons of the Golden Tankard were too busy with their affairs to observe his entrance.
"We don't serve your kind here hooded stranger" a gruff voice hissed, the tavern owner stood at his table peering into the shadows of his hood "You best be one your way now!"
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Palar The Just And The Orc Named Razraoug by Megilhir
Daylight faded from Skara Brea, as gathered shadows begrudgingly yielded to freshly lit candles in "The Shattered Skull' tavern. The pub's common room slowly filled with Britannia's colorful inhabitants. After ensuring all his patron's were supplied with their meals, the gruff innkeeper announced a storytelling as the evening entertainment. He waved a robe-enshrouded man toward the stage.
The speaker seated himself beside the tavern's fireplace, lit his pipe, and began weaving his tale. "Gather near friends and strangers from afar, for I, Megilhir, shall relate a tale most unique. Tis indeed a tale of virtue, if in an unusual manner. This saga comes to my ears from a far distant land, known as Atlantic. Pay now heed to the tale of Palar the Just and the Orc named Razraoug."
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A Family Treasure Hunt by James Ridder of Great Lakes
There I was, with a feather pen in my hand, again trying to figure out why
the heck these maps were so hard to make out. And not just one... but all
of them. I had just completed 300 world maps for the local provisioner in
Minoc, as the locals there can't make it to the outhouse without an expertly
drawn map to the offering hole. Plus another 30 sea charts for Silor, a
friend in Vesper, who is an excellent fisherman, but could not follow a star
even if it blinked "EAT AT KAZOLA'S".
Most people hire me to find treasure. My real name is Sir James. I was
named after my father, a knight who fought in the SIN Wars, but all that
armor and pounding is not my style of a good time, unless I want to invest
in BODs in the smithing field. No, the name I earned was actually a joke,
from back in Trinsic where I grew up. We were all outside the city walls...
a big group of kids looking for treasure! When it was my turn to find the
"Butcher Knife of Parent Dismissal", I searched for hours, trying my best to
find it with no luck. Finally, the kids made a huge X on the ground, and
from then on I was known as X-Mark.
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Epic Battle by Sam Criswell
Earlier today, I was in Britannia, close to the east bank, when I approached a mage on his horse. The mage was named Keyleo and I could clearly sense the power of Order radiating from him. Upon asking whether the rumors were true, and strange beasts known as Golems and their Controller masters could indeed be found by the brave in our land, he eagerly confirmed this and then happened to mention that he was ignorant of the function of the strange gem-like stones he had found on the bodies of his enemies. While I was ignorant of the presence and location of the Golems and their masters in our land, I HAD paid close attention when the sages and wise ones spoke of them, and their strange stones.
I proceeded to tell him of the arcane gems' abilities and he became very excited by this, as he had a large collection of the newly useful stones. He then offered to take me to a spot known to be infested by these creatures and promptly opened a gate! After readying my weapons and armor, I stepped through, and entered Hell. Instantly, 3 of the immense metal beasts, that I realized were Golems, fixed their cold, metal gazes upon me and attacked. I was forced to flee for my life in an attempt to find a more advantageous position to fight from.
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The Necromancer by Sylvanus
We had been on our way to Brit after trying unsuccessfully to reclaim another Yew tree that had been ravaged by the wasting disease that now gripped the entire province surrounding the village of Yew. The lich had attacked swiftly and without warning from the side of the road, draining the energy from my being with a foul curse. Majalkita had reacted swiftly and paralyzed it. We then turned on the foul creature, wracking its decaying flesh with bolt after bolt of magical energy. It had fought hard and without fear as only the undead can, but it had died nonetheless. The tortured soul freed from its half-life, to continue its journey to whatever destination it's deeds in life had earned it.
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Vanguard into Ilshenar by Azrael of Catskills
Draw a tankard of ale and gather round the fire, merry friends. I bring to you a tale of my recent journeys, with Sparhawk, in the land of Ilshenar!
Twas after a successful night of repelling the nearby demon clan, that I felt drawn into the wild, taking the fight to the foes of Torm. Sparhawk was of like mind and eager to test his mettle against the pantheon of enemies in the newly discovered region some call Ilshenar. Through the swirling ether of the Skara Brae moongate we found our way to the shrine of Sacrifice. Nay, not the shrine we know, but another, strange and alien...
The night seemed somehow darker, and the air was sweet with honeysuckle, masking the danger that lurked close at hand. We fed our restless steeds, which somehow sensed that things peculiar lay wait in the dark forest at the border of our vision. Being mortal men and not possessed of the infravision of our elvish kin, I spoke the ancient words of power, "In Lor", as Sparhawk quaffed an onyx liquid. He winced briefly from the taste, new to the tools of adventure, and then we stared deeper into the periphery.
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The Dungeon Crawl by Lord Brytt of Baja
I remember starting to lose consciousness. I remember that all I could do was look down past Remus at the frothing line of Ophidians beating at the other side of the door, thinking of several expletives and wondering why I wasn�t dead yet. Yes. Why wasn�t I dead?? Maimed, and not a breath away from a new cotton robe for the closet, but not dead. Two healers had set up a station in the corner of the large chamber to the south, but I was too far away and the Balron was still around somewhere�.
This being my first major crawl, I had little idea of what to expect. I packed modestly. Take enough black pearl to hit hard, but don�t impede mobility or cause too much risk for loss. A handful of corked potions, a scrinium to resurrect someone if I lose my mana, and two flasks of chambord for my nerves. Okay. I�m ready.
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A Tamer's Secret by Lava of Great Lakes
Tis a true fact indeed that we all have secrets. Children, teenagers, adults and seniors alike all have something to hide from someone.
Our story begins with the birth of a beautiful red headed child to Mona Barrington and Giorgio Armani. The love affair, engagement and spectacular wedding in Gargoyle City of Mona and Giorgio was well known through out the land. Their love was so boundless it was common fodder for story tellers and poets alike. The birth of their daughter was much anticipated. Upon her arrival in this world she was given the name Lava. The red of her hair evoked memories of rich molten and lava flows.
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It's a Miner's Life by Kazadon of Napa Valley
"Damn Mongbats!! It's the second time this week they do this t'me!!!" Kaz spat on the ground.
He was upset, and rightfully so. Kaz was just a simple miner trying to make a living by mining ore and selling ingots, and for no apparent reason, a band of Mongbats chose poor Mr. O'grady as the victim of their mischievous pranks. What the Mongbats were doing was sneaking up to Kaz's packhorse and stealing his pickaxes, shovels and any ingots that were in the horses pack. Now this probably doesn't seem like a big deal to you or me but to Kaz it was. Not only did it take a long time to make more shovels (Kaz was a fair Tinker, not a great one) but this time they took ALL of his ingots so Kaz had to walk back to town and buy a shovel from the provisioner's shop then go back and mine more just to�well, you know how it works. Anyway, he was not happy this day.
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Hunting the Vorpal Bunny by Tancred RedStar of Chesapeake
Tancred knelt quietly in the field and parted the soft earth with his hands.
The gardener at the bank had told him planting this little thorn in a
farmer's field would stir forth a magic rabbit that carried beautifully
colored eggs which would be a prized item in any rares collector's home.
Being a knight, wealth was one thing Tancred didn't have in abundance, but
if he could slay the darkest evils of Hythloth, surely, he could handle a
little rabbit.
"It's gonna pop out really fast" warned Shen, one of his fellow knights in
the Fellowship of Virtue. Tancred nodded and placed the thorn in the small
hole. Nearby also, Sinoval could hardly keep his giggling under control or
his bottle of ale from sloshing all over himself.
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Angel's Wings by Saurus
T'was a bright morning when I awoke with the glimmer of fairydust warming me cheek. Me dreams were angels wings carrying me through a cloudless sky of peaceful slumber. But soft wistful dreams were soon forgotten for what I at first mistook for fairy dust on me cheek, was really the scorching breath of a dragon! His blazing red eyes devoured me with hunger. Within those black merciless eyes was a single dancing flame that was both hypnotic and frightening.
With increasing terror, I left from me bed. In one swirling motion, I managed to cover me naked bosom with a cloak in one hand and to tear me spell book from the night table with the other. But the dragon's fiery resolve was immense, for without warning, he raised one gnarled claw and pinned me slender body against the wall. At the same instant, he expelled a sound so vile, so evil, that me very heart threatened to burst form me chest and run for cover.
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Cayle Gruien by Mal of Europa
For the greater part of the night, the evening had been all but silent. Occasionally, boars wandered out of the undergrowth, attracted to the smell of the meal that had been prepared earlier. At one point, two large bears had been heard fighting in the undergrowth, battling for the attention of a prospective mate who watched idly. Even the weather had been plain. Wispy clouds blanketed the net of stars that sparkled upon a backdrop of the deepest of blues, propelled across the sky by the slight breeze. The night grew cooler as the land lost the heat of the days sun, and it became necessary to light a small fire to suppress the encroaching cold. One of the figures sat about the fire was reciting poems about the ancient times, whilst the others watched on still consuming the remains of their dinner of berries and game. The bards words were captivating the attentions of all that sat about the fire, the tempo of his words reaching the fever of the camp fire that danced in front of them. One of the silouhets that sat around the fire was wrestling a cape out of her backpack. A little way out from the camp stood their trade caravan, positioned to shield the campers from the from the gentle breeze. Close to the caravan stood their horses, happily munching the contents of their feedbags.
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As the launch of Age of Shadows draws closer, UO Stratics is celebrating with another fun contest for the Ultima Online community. This time around we are focusing on the writers out there and asking for Player Written Stories. Do you enjoy writing fiction about the characters that you play? Do you find yourself telling stories more than actually adventuring in Britannia? If you find that most of your friends would sooner call you a Scholar than a Warrior, then this is your chance to shine! Themes can range from the discovery of the new lands of Malas to more traditional Ultima lore, or even to describing a huge PvP Battle that you recently participated in. Basically, whatever you feel the other players of Ultima Online would enjoy reading. Here are the specifics of the contest. Make sure to read through it all carefully to ensure that your submission will qualify:
1. Guidelines:
- Fan Fiction needs to be submitted in either an MS Word document or a plain Text Document. Please NO pictures, screenshots or artwork.
- It is IMPORTANT that entries be e-mailed directly to Joshua Rowan with "Fan Fiction Contest" in the Subject Field. It isn't necessary to condense the files since they will be text only, but if you do, please use WinZip. If you do not have WinZip already, then please visit their site HERE for a free evaluation version.
- No advertising (such as website links) or Guild Recruitment in the story, please. Incidental mention of your guild is appropriate if it furthers the story though.
- All entries will be judged on a) Originality and b) Faithfulness to the atmosphere of Ultima.
- Grammatical accuracy (spelling and editing) will be VERY important! If you want to have other players review your work before you submit it, then please post it to our fiction forum, The White Stag Inn, for discussion.
2. Entry: No purchase necessary. Limit one entry per person. The contest begins December 1, 2002 and ends December 28, 2002. All entries must be received by 11:59 PM EST on December 28, 2002.
3. Winner Selection: Winners will be selected by the UO Stratics staff. Each entry will be evaluated by the staff and after careful review, the top selections will be awarded. Award winners will be announced on January 4, 2002. Winners will be notified via email and an announcement will also be made on the UO Stratics web site.
4. Prizes: 1st Place will receive a Lord Blackthorn's Revenge Mousepad personally signed by Todd McFarlane (suitable for framing). 2nd and 3rd Places will each receive a full set of Austen Andrews' alternate-universe Ultima Trilogy, "The Technocrat War", the first and second books of which have been personally signed by the author [Make sure to also check out our Prequel Lore from Austen for a sample of his work]. All other entries, as long as they meet requirements, will be displayed on an upcoming UO Fan Fiction Section along with the name and shard of the author.
5. Eligibility: This contest is open to all worldwide 18 and older. All Stratics Team Members and OSI employees not eligible. Void where prohibited by law.
6. Conduct: By entering this Contest, you agree to be bound by these rules.
7. Winners List: The name of the prize winners will be posted on the UO Stratics site.
8. Disclaimer Legal Stuff: By placing material on or communicating with the Stratics bulletin boards, forums or submitting material for publication you hereby grant to Stratics and their affiliates and related entities the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, copy, modify, display, distribute and reproduce all such materials in any form, media, software or technology of any kind now existing or developed in the future. You also agree to indemnify, defend and hold Stratics harmless against any claims or costs, including attorneys' fees, arising from the use or distribution of those materials. You further grant Stratics the right to use your name in connection with the reproduction or distribution of such material.
Have fun! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!
Joshua Rowan
UO Stratics Project Manager