You are Dead:
It happens to even the most powerful of warriors and wizards.
Death. But, if the persons soul wills it to be, they may find
their way through the darkness, and back to the world of the
Dying in Ilshenar however, is an entirely different matter.
Due to the lack of civilized life, lack of healers, and the
simple fact the land is so big, some have found the
path back to life more difficult than before. But fear not!
After pouring over lost scrolls and forgotten books, and doing
explorations of my own, I have found several locations in
Ilshenar, all with the power to raise the dead.
Oddly Colored Flowstone
Found to the east of Humility, and near one of the entrances to Ankh, lies this strange outcropping. Ordained with
runes of power, this stone has the power to give life.
Fountain of Life
Far to the east, and a bit south of Humility, inside
an old abandoned building, are steps leading down into Ankh and the Fountain of Life,
able to bring the dead back from beyond, with just touch
of it's waters.
Shrine of the Virtues
Not much is known about this shrine, although it is
adorned with several statues of Gargoyles, and that
is has the power over death itself, giving life to those
that have passed on.
Healer's Grove
Upon hearing of the need of healers in the new lands,
a small band of healers have made the journey to Ilshenar,
and offer their healing knowledge north of the Sacrifice
gate. Located in a small grove of trees around an old
well, these wandering healers will be sure to help you,
should you need it. |  |
The healers, not content with simply sitting around
doing nothing, have started to set up huts in the very
wilds of Ilshenar. These huts, while sometimes very
close to dangerous monsters capable of horrific things,
are always maintained by the healers, sworn to heal
whomever needs their help. |
The currently known Healer Outposts are located
Tree of Life
Like the Fountain of Life, we know little about this
magical tree found beyond the swampy wastes of Nox Tereg.
Alive with a magical spark, this tree is not what it
seems... for it has the power to raise the dead, and
who knows what else...
Ethereal Warriors
Powerful warriors, capable of slaying all but the most
evil of creatures, they possess the power to heal the
dead, but only if you are of pure heart, for they will
strike down those who shy away from the light...
Also see the Hunters