I have made a grid. Why is that special?
Well, because now you have another bit of information you can use for upgrading
or placing houses. Information is Knowledge, Knowledge is half the battle.
The grid shown on Figure 8.1 is ground Zero Based. I created
it using MS-Paint, with pictures provided by the Homes
and Castles forum and UO Stratics' Buildings
section. That is where you can see all the levels of a house. Great
detail was taken to make this grid. While nothing is ever 100%, I feel
pretty good about this one.
Ground Zero means that it is not on the same level
as the floor of houses, but it rather indicates the tiles on the
ground beneath the floor. My previous grids were floor based, not ground
based, which made a slight difference
Figure 8.1
How do you use it? Easy! Follow these steps: - Right-click it
- Choose
- Open up MS-Paint (Start - Programs - Accessories - MS-Paint)
- Click
the Edit menu
- Select paste
- Click the File menu
- Click Save and save the file with a name you like
Voila! Keep the file open in MS Paint, just minimize it.
Now that you have the grid, go to the Buildings
page and select the house you want to put on the grid. I will choose the Log Cabin.
Right click it, and choose copy, then go back into the paint program
that has the grid, Choose Edit-Paste
You need to align the South East corner of the Log with the inside
of a square as shown in Figure 8.2, it fits neatly inside.
Make sure your paint program is setup for transparancy. Click the button
circled in Figure 8.3.
Figure 8.3 | Figure 8.2 |
The grid (Figure 8.1) is also a GIF, with transparency!
So you can do the same thing in reverse to look at your land!
You can read the FAQ posted in the Pictures
forum to see how to use special snapshot utilities. I just use Print
Screen, then go into MS Paint and paste.