Jasper McCarrin

UP: Britannia

With no new information forthcoming, I decided to turn to the person who
knew the most about the fell beings who had attempted to cast the armageddon
spell, CrawWorth. Unfortunately,
he was well beyond reach exploring new lands at the behest of our king,
Lord British. It also occurred to me that perhaps he would be returning
The last person I knew of who had spoken to CrawWorth
was Renee. Renee, if you'll remember, is the wife of one of the fighters
in CrawWorth's band of adventurers. Xarot being his name. I had last seen
her at the castle of Lord British, so I again made my way there. Sure
enough, there she was amongst the fruit trees in the courtyard.
I asked Renee if she knew when CrawWorth and Xarot
would be returning.
"I wish... oh, how I wish... I knew. They did
not know how large the lands they would be exploring would be, so did
not try to set a date for their return," she replied. "Soon,
reports should begin returning from them to the castle. That is why I
am staying here. I wish to hear word of mine husband."
"Did CrawWorth say anything about the armageddon
group before leaving?" I asked.
"Oh no. They were in too big a rush to leave
and ... Hmmm... he did mention something, come to think of it." Renee
paused. " I cannot concentrate at the moment. I haven't been able
to eat much of late, but am suddenly famished. I shall go get a bit of
food to settle mine stomach. And then I shall return to here. Come back
later, after I've eaten, and ye may ask me again about CrawWorth."
I thanked her and wished her a happy meal before leaving
the castle grounds. Strolling through Britain,
I mused over what Renee had said. Having heard a bit about how intensely
CrawWorth had been searching for these criminals, I suspected he wouldn't
have just let it drop so easily. I couldn't help but wonder what he might
have discovered. Luckily, it sounded as if Renee would be at the castle
at least until word of her husband reached her. So she would be quite
easy to find and speak with...
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Saturday, August
15th 1998