Genn Wintord

UP: Britannia

Geoffrey of the Royal Guard announced today that the first
of the FOA prisoners
will be transferred from the jail in Trinsic
to the prison in Yew.
This will begin tomorrow evening, Wednesday the 13th. Only
one prisoner will be moved at a time. Further transfers will
take place every second day as needed.
Sir Geoffrey realizes the possibility of trouble during
these transfers and is seeking to recruit volunteers to help escort the
prisoner. Any wishing to aid the two royal guards who will be taking the
prisoner to Yew will find those guards at the jail in Trinsic the evening
of the transfer. Payment will be in gold, and should the transfer go well,
all involved will see their renown increase.
Check with the town criers in your city tomorrow evening
for word on when the transfer is ready to begin.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Tuesday, October
13th 1998