Hulin Sturm


The Zog Cabal's
Delievered into the hands of representative for both
Lord British and Blackthorn
was a mysterious parchment. This
delivery coincided with the message given at the Wake for
Hartham in Trinsic,
however, neither British or Blackthorn had made this text
available until today.
Scrawled in what was assumed to be blood on aged paper
was this brief statement:
Timely fears across a baneful sea drift aimless and
outward. Drafted from the abyss of deep waters rises tides of aspect most
terrible. Carved bloody from obsidian form. Cast forth silent amidst the
din of foolish prophets.
These choices made, stained with falsehoods. Philosophies
of order disordered and destroyed.
We choose not the sleeping death of passions frozen
cold by restriction that serve but one Listless Brute.
Fools in noble garb serving the platitudes of decadence
lain soft in bedding woven smooth by silken hands of complicit nature.
This fate chosen by a Broken Tyrant shall also not be ours.
Our future will now begin. The shadows will live,
the secrets made flesh.
Drink deep the beautiful torments that order will
suffer. Gorge thineselves on the feast that bountiful chaos will spawn.
Sink slowly into the whirlpool. Inhale the only freedom
thou wilt ever truly know.
The true meaning of the document is still being determined.
What this holds for the future, we will have to wait and see.

From t he Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Thursday, Feb