Rylthae Penston


attacked! Juo'Nar's Message!
Finth Mourns! World in
The world of Britannia endured an attack
on the very foundation of our civilization. Reports from across
the land tell of devastating attacks on the Shrine. Yet after
the war cries died down, it appears that this was all part
of a magnificent diversion.
was the first city to put out the warning. The newly appointed
captain of the guard, Finth Desryn, called upon citizens from
across the land to defend against a horde of Orcs, Ogres,
Ettins, and Lizardmen. Oddly enough, these groups worked together,
showing a uniform sense of purpose.. The Lizardmen and Orcish
hordes, legendary rivals after their territorial wars almost
a century ago fought side by side.
After the local guards from the townships
and the citizens were mobilized to defend the shrines, the
threat was dealt with promptly. Some of the fighters reported
an odd quality to the movement and tone of the creatures.
It seemed as if they were under some form of control. Several
of the corpses from battlefields across the land have been
gathered together for closer examination.
After the shrines had been defended it
was discovered that a large force of creatures had waylaid
a caravan that travels between Trinsic and Skara
Brae. Normally this caravan travels under the protection
of the guards, but their number had been drastically reduced
due to the emergency. Left with a light escort, the caravan
managed to escape into the caves west of Trinsic. Alas, these
caves became the spot of their slaughter.
Although no official description of the
caravans goods and purpose has been released, several
sources within the Skara Brae council admitted that a large
amount of weapons and other armaments were present.
The head of this caravan was one Tali
Desryn, the wife of Finth Desryn. Finth spared no expense
and wasted no time in dispatching as many people as he could
to assist the caravan. Alas, when the goodly citizens returned
a certain necklace to his possession he knew his wife and
all other caravan members had been slain.
A lesson to thee I present
this fine day. When thine eyes tell thee of a truth, question
fast the reality thou hast witnessed.
Mine name has been besmirched
by a subtle lot with an agenda I find deplorable. Betrayed
by men close, and now even closer to thee.
With these tools thou hast
kindly provided me I will not wreak havoc, nor shall I bring
Chaos upon thee. I am most desirous of an Order. An order
borne of service and dedication to the truth I shall enlighten
all of Britannia with.
All of civilization shall
be reborn under my firm hand. And birthing is a most bloody
process, so grip tight the bit with thine teeth and steel
thineselves for the shock.
For it will come without
Will it not, Finth?
--Lord JuoNar
Captain Desryn was without comment, as
he has been in mourning ever since the discovery of his wifes
death. The only sight people had of him were of him mourning
at the sight near the Paladin
Hall where he and his late wife exchanged vows.
With JuoNars latest statement,
it seems that Britannia has more megalomaniacal ideologues
presenting platitudes of domination than ever before. We are
searching for a pattern, however these events have happened
so quickly as to make judgement difficult.
We at UP are concerned about these trends
and will continue to provide the most up to date reporting
of all that occurs. As soon as the forensic examiners have
finished their study of the fallen creatures on the battlefield
we hope to have some more information for thee.

Finth Desryn Grieves

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Thursday,
February 19, 1998