Caitlin Elopidat

UP: Britannia

The fact of the matter is we're still not safe. There
is still an evil force, lurking out there in the world of whom we should
be deathly afraid. A force of evil so powerful that it's already taken
the life of Sage Humbolt, one of
the greatest gentlemen of our day and age.
Am I talking about G'Thunk?
The evil Troll chieftan, who along with his brother has wreaked
so much havoc in the forest north of Trinsic
that locals are starting to call it Troll Forest? Absolutely
G'Thunk is a pawn, and an almost innocent one at that.
It's obvious that his brother was the real brains behind the
original operation, and in fact you can almost pity both of
them for their intentions. They only want what they claim
is rightfully theirs, the forest north of Vesper,
and they only made threats once humans started moving into
that area. While this is still an affront to our sensibility
as humans, it's a far cry from the outright evil that Juo'nar
committed in an attempt to make himself the new ruler of Britannia.
No, what I'm talking about is a much greater evil.
Something behind the scenes. Someone who was pulling the strings of all
the other players in the game. Someone who could control Liches, Trolls,
and a maniacal Human. Someone we should certainly be afraid of.
Think about it, someone who could pull those varied
strings, and still keep their names out of the ensuing backlash. Someone
who could brilliantly manipulate multiple attacks on three cities at the
exact same time. Someone who could keep to the shadows and play the rest
of the world like a bard plays a lute.
Who is this person? Perhaps G'Thunk is our best hope
of finding out. Rumors abound that Mondain
is returned from the dead, or perhaps the Zog
Cabal is more powerful than we originally believed. But I'm afraid
there may be something else out there that makes the above two possibilities
seem tame in comparison.
Be afraid. I am.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Wednesday,
June 10th 1998