Wyzark Diam


- - It comes as no surprise that Sage
Winslow would take an interest in the Zog Cabal message that was supposedly
found on a sunken ship near Vesper.
In fact, it would have been more surprising if he hadn't. Since the day
he and CrawWorth witnessed the
death of a local citizen outside the Counselor's guild in Britian, CrawWorth
has spoken endlessly of this mysterious cult and their plots to destroy
Britannia and all its residents.
So, with a gleam in his eye and a smile on his lips
he set out for Trinsic with
a large retinue of friends and retainers. The group intended no more than
a brisk stroll through the woods and the scenic country side of Britannia.
Winslow was hoping to stop by the river and rest his weary bones. But
in fact that was not to be the case.
The plague that has held the country in its grip for
so long struck once again, soon after Winslow and his merry band left
the cities bounds. Undead, orcs, even the vile ettin were spotted just
south of Britain, and harrassed poor Winslow and his group as they made
their way to the walled city of Honor. Fortunately many of the men who
went with the kindly sage were trained in the arts of war or magic, many
of them both. For the strength of these men kept Winslow from suffering
serious damage at the hands of the vile creatures who are allowed to roam
free within our lands.
Winslow seemed to tire as the day progressed, and
every attack by the outlandish fiends seemed to tear at his poor heart.
It is these attacks that keep Britannians wary, not mysterious cults who
may or may not exist and who send secretive messages by boat to recipients
who are no more than fairy tales. Men like CrawWorth must see treason
at every turn. Plots down every pathway. Conspiracies around every corner.
When will the young learn to respect the old. Winslow
is no more than humoring CrawWorth with this trip to Trinsic. He hopes
only to allay the mans fears. To help him understand that what happened
to Hartham was an isolated incident,
and not the predecessor to some evil overlord who wishes to rule the world
or destroy it. Not even the words of a madman at a funeral can change
Would that CrawWorth had sent more help to Winslow
as he heard about the attacks. We know that word reached Trinsic about
the sages plight long before the sage arrived. But CrawWorth, busy scheming
and plotting against the "invisible" forces against him had
no time to offer such help. And that my dear readers, is the true folly
of our land.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Friday, July 10th