UO Stratics - Grand Sosarian Atlas - Compassion Shrine
The Shrine of Compassion
Sextant Coords.: 100° 48' N, 7° 56' W UOAM Coords.: X: 1210, Y: 477
Facet: Ilshenar Closest Gate: Compassion Moongate
Map: Inhabitants:

Location Type: Shrine
Home to the Compassion Moongate, the Compassion Shrine in Ilshenar is situated in a small mountain canyon on the other side of the mountains from the grassy plains of Central Ilshenar.

Outside the canyon is a sparse forest with a mild infestation of Ratmen, and a short way south, along the mountains, is a small gypsy encampment, which has a cave that leads into Central Ilshenar nearby.

See Also: Compassion Moongate, Compassion Mountains

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