Rylthae Penston


Twas a bright and sunny day in Moonglow
and many took the opportunity to visit the resplendent menagerie
of creatures housed in the local Zoo.
All around were filled with good humor and laughter. With
nary a storm cloud to be seen for miles on the horizon, this
was the perfect day for an enjoyable trip to the wonders of
the land.
This hardly seemed the same Britannia that has fought
numerous attacks on the various landmarks around the mainland. A gathering
of evil that was thought impossible since the passing of Mondain
have struck and then withdrawn.
Gaining a foothold of logic in these tumultuous times
has proved too large a task for any one citizen. Whilst most of us go
about our daily affairs trying our best to forget, there are a number
of individuals whose sole duty is to make sense and bring about a plan
of action for dealing with these threats.
Sage Humbolt
has been busy investigating the Liches Lathiari
and Kyrnia. Although we have a relatively detailed biography of their
rise and fall, we know next to nothing about their latest incarnation,
and what plans they have for the citizens of our fine land. Their first
attack, a diversionary effort, was successful in gathering the tools they
needed to bring about a device capable of raining a finely ground shrine
stone upon the land. Thanks to the selfless and tireless efforts of Sage
Humbolt, this plan was stopped before it could be enacted. Although we
believe all of the Shrine stone was interred
after a lengthy search by the fine citizens, the Liches themselves are
still at large. With such powerful evil loose in the land, the goodly
Humbolt has made it his duty to uncover the secret of their regenerative
powers and provide a solution as to how we may stop them.
I had the pleasure of interviewing the honorable Sage
for this article. Although his time is a commodity as rare as the very
reagents and crystals he plies his trade upon, he saw fit to offer us
these words about the Liche situation:
Mine hand hath turned the very substance of
the ether in order to gain insight as to their dread powers. Alas, I have
discovered that in order to stop these fiends a number of components are
necessary for me to gather. I would rather my lips not speak of these
items in such a public forum, for the danger of the Liches seeing this
writing is great indeed. Lest fear freeze ye from positive action, however,
allow me to assert that I shall be ready to call upon the people of Britannia
to help me gather these items before the Liches manage to once again threaten
the smallest part of Britannia.
When asked if he knew about the process that allowed
for the corruption of the shrine stone; he had this to say, Tis
the one mystery I have not been able to unravel. A magical force as strong
as any this land has seen
one capable of magicks of such celestial
control that are able to transmute the nature of living stone. I would
think Mondain walked among us, if his brain hadnt been on public
UP: Do the Liches have a collaborator?
Are they aligned with the Zog Cabal?
Humbolt: I think not. The Zog
Cabal is a group of living men and women. The Liches have an aversion
to life so strong that any collusion with more than one mortal would be
next to impossible. Nay, I believe that the forces, which have decided
to strike so suddenly, are linked differently
With that, Sage Humbolt went into his briefing with
Lord British.
Another aspect of the lands disquiet was fostered
by the actions of one Lord JuoNar,
formerly of Trinsic.
When the Zog Cabal revealed themselves in their shameful assassination
of Hartham (the late
Trainer of the Trinsic Fighters Guild) then acting captain
of the Guard CrawWorth
ordered an investigation the likes of which hath not been
seen since the Orc Wars. It was discovered, by Finth
Desryn, that Lord JuoNar had been redirecting the
treasury and armaments of the Paladins Guild to unknown
sources. On a mission to route out any influence the Zog Cabal
may have on the city, Lord JuoNar was immediately questioned.
Although Lord JuoNar denied being involved with
the Zog Cabal, the evidence of his theft was above debate. He quickly
fled from the city and returned with a mercenary force. This force attacked
the city ruthlessly whilst JuoNar secreted himself to the shrine
of Spirituality, killing a band of monks who were consecrating a valuable
artifact. Having stolen this artifact he fled into the wilds, seemingly
without a trace.
CrawWorth then disappeared, leaving only a note that
hinted at the distraught temper that had consumed his soul. He claimed
to be out to hunt the Zog Cabal, and that he would return soon. No sign
has been seen of him since. We can only pray for his safe return.
Installed in CrawWorths place was Finth Desryn,
the man responsible for the discovery of JuoNars treachery.
Finth took a large burden upon his shoulders when he assumed the title
of protector, and more tragedy was to strike this proud city. His wife,
in charge of a caravan would be horribly murdered, the caravans
goods stolen by JuoNars forces. His guards had been dispatched
to protect the shrines of the land, but alas, this was another act of
misdirection on the part of JuoNar. The caravan had always been
the intended target.
Finth has not taken this time of piece as an excuse
to sit idly by. He has been meeting with his top advisors day and night
to outline contingencies to deal with future aggressions. Aggressions
he assured this scribe were soon to come. Here are some of his words,
taken from an interview I recently had with this figure:
UP: With the tragic loss of your
wife, how have you been handling the continual crises, which seem to befall
this region?
Finth: The loss
My wifes
death, at the hired hands of JuoNars mercenaries, is the one
spark which has fired me through these sleepless nights of planning and
investigation. I would rather our thoughts and words stay focused on those
problems and not return to my wife, may the virtues keep her.
UP: Agreed. How do you feel about
JuoNars involvement with the Zog Cabal? Has he been providing
them with the weaponry and funds they need for an all out assault against
the bastions of order in Britannian society?
Finth: If thou hath asked me such
a question before the last attack, mine answer would surely have been
clear. However, after the message I received and the nature of his actions
I do not believe he is involved with the Zog Cabal.
UP: But it was your testimony that
the funds he redirected were being sent to Cabal contacts
Finth: What I said a month ago is
of no concern now. The facts as they stand are these: he seeks an order
of his own creation, he seeks a world under his control. He seeks the
destruction and ruin of, not Britannia, but the nobles who have cast him
out. The Cabal wishes chaos, they will follow a different course, I believe.
UP: Does your change in opinion have
anything to do with the message that JuoNar left behind after the
previous attack? It seemed to be aimed at you.
Finth: Of course, I exposed him.
What other reason could there be for that? He seeks revenge against the
noble class, but above that he seeks revenge against me. I have no further
comment. Good Day.
Finth then returned to another battery
of meetings with persons of all disciplines. Trinsic rests
uneasily during these quiet times. However, in Minoc
and Vesper, the
attitude is much different. Having won a major victory against
the Trolls who began to assert claims over the north lands,
and even slaying one of the leaders (GSplat),
they feel that they have made their lands relatively free
for the common citizen to explore. Doubts remain about the
stability of that safety with the other events, and a reprisal
by GThunk for the death of his brother is anticipated.
A bounty has been put on the head of GThunk, with a
larger reward being offered if the fiend can be returned alive.
The Trolls seemed to be executing their actions under
the direction of a mysterious figure. This figure even managed to teach
GSplat how to read and write (as journals on his corpse showed)
this level of education allowed for an organization never before seem
in Troll society (if such gutter creatures can be referred to as having
a society at all). This figure was revealed in the journals only as LM.
GThunk must be found alive in order to gain the knowledge of whom
this figure is. Although his location still remains a mystery, Troll attacks
have indeed been rare. It is wondered if they are gathering their forces
in some remote corner, waiting for the moment to strike. Or, if GSplats
death so demoralized both the remaining leader and his followers that
such a recurrence of violence is not likely to happen on such a scale
for quite some time.
Troubling questions indeed do plague us during these
times of seeming inactivity. The evil, which has struck with such force,
seems to be re-gathering its strength. Will you be prepared for the next
attack? I hope that we all shall be prepared for the onslaught, and with
the help of such dedicated citizens we should be able to best these fiendish
forces before they can render any permanent damage to the lands we hold
so dear.
As always expect all of the latest news to be reported
by your faithful UP staff.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Monday, March 9,