Minor Artifacts: Brightsight Lenses - Item Catalogue - UO Stratics
Item Catalogue
Minor Artifacts

Brightsight Lenses

Weight 2 Stone(s)
Self Repair 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Night Sight
Physical Resist 9%
Fire Resist 29%
Cold Resist 7%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 7%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255

General Information:
The Brightsight Lenses is a set of Elven Glasses. It is one of the minor artifacts that can be found by defeating named monsters in Mondain's Legacy dungeons.

These items use the same 'drop system' as the Ilshenar Paragon minor artifacts, i.e. the item appears in the character's back pack.

- Requires Mondain's Legacy Expansion
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