Tokuno Stealable Artifacts: Basket - Item Catalogue - UO Stratics
Item Catalogue
Tokuno Stealable Artifacts


Weight 1 Stone(s)
Artifact Rarity 2

General Information:
This tall round Basket is one of the artifacts that can be found in the Fan Dancer Dojo and the Yomotsu Mines in the Tokuno Islands.

The Tokuno stealable artifacts spawn on the floor of the dungeons and can only be taken by using the stealing skill on them. GM or higher stealing is required to be able to steal them.

From the introduction of the Stygian Abyss expansion can also be woven by tinkers who have read the basket weaving book.

Crafting Information:
Skill Required:75.0 Tinkering
Success Chance:
Resources Needed:4 Shaft
3 Softened Reeds
- Can retain the color of the material.

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