The Valorite Elemental is the toughest of all the Ore Elementals and also the most valuable one. It has all the special properties of the lesser Ore Elementals, which means that it is almost completely immune to all damage done by pets and provoked creatures and also to most spells, which it reflects back onto the caster. The Valorite Elemental is capable of defeating most of the creatures in the world if it is provoked on them. A few exceptions to this are Meer Mages(their insect swarm attack) and creatures using archery. A skilled warrior should be able to kill the Valorite Elemental with a little healing, but the best character for the job is without a doubt an archer with a high damage bow. If you go in for melee, you will probably have to repair your armor afterwards, because it is quite good at damaging that. Click here to see the stats and skills of this creature if it spawns as a Paragon in Ilshenar.