Gargoyle - Hunter's Guide - UO Stratics
The Gargoyle |
General Information |
Rather buff looking fellows who say weird stuff. They have a nasty disposition and a bad habit of killing people. They can cast a strong flamestrike and move relatively fast, so watch out. Click here to see the stats and skills of this creature if it spawns as a Paragon in Ilshenar.
Detailed Information |
Special Abilities: |
None |
Loot: |
125 - 175 Gold.
1 Medium Level Scroll, 1-4 Gems
Carved: 1 Raw Rib
Special: A Gargoyle's Pickaxe, Level 1 Treasure Map
Found At: |
Abyss Champion Spawn, Compassion Glacier, Corrupted Forest, Forests, Humility Jungle, Hythloth Level 1, Hythloth Level 2, Hythloth Level 3, Hythloth Level 4, Sanctuary, Sorcerer Dungeon Level 1, Sorcerer Dungeon Level 2, Wind |
Related To: |
Enslaved Gargoyle, Fire Gargoyle, Gargoyle Destroyer, Gargoyle Enforcer, Stone Gargoyle |
First Seen: |
Day One |
Damage: |
7 - 14 HP,
100% Physical Damage
Loyalty: |
Not Given |
Fame: |
Level 3 (3500)
Karma: |
Level 3 (-3500)
Magic Level: |
Apprentice |
Poison Level: |
Magical Poison |
Slayer Weapon Vulnerability: |
Demon Slayer, Gargoyle Slayer |
Ranged Attack: |
None |
Required Taming: |
- |
Speed: |
Medium |
Pack Instincts: |
None |
Auto Dispel: |
No |
Preferred Foods: |
Meat |
Barding Difficulty: |
72.5 |
Taming Notes: |
Not Tameable. |
Barding Notes: |
Sounds: |
LBR/3D Sounds: |
Credits: |
Stats |
10 readings |
Hit Points |
Stamina |
Mana |
Minimum: |
88 |
76 |
81 |
146 |
76 |
81 |
Average: |
97 |
86 |
93 |
161 |
86 |
93 |
Maximum: |
105 |
95 |
105 |
175 |
95 |
105 |
Resistances |
10 readings |
Physical |
Fire |
Cold |
Poison |
Energy |
Minimum: |
30 |
25 |
5 |
15 |
- |
Average: |
33 |
30 |
8 |
20 |
- |
Maximum: |
35 |
35 |
10 |
25 |
- |
Skills |
10 readings |
Wrestling |
Tactics |
Magic Resistance |
Anatomy |
Poisoning |
Healing |
Magery |
Evaluating Intelligence |
Meditation |
Minimum: |
40.1 |
50.1 |
70.1 |
0.0 |
- |
- |
70.1 |
70.1 |
0.0 |
Average: |
60.1 |
60.1 |
77.6 |
0.0 |
- |
- |
77.6 |
77.6 |
0.0 |
Maximum: |
80.0 |
70.0 |
85.0 |
0.0 |
- |
- |
85.0 |
85.0 |
0.0 |
Equipment Advisor
Best weapon material against this creature: |
Most important damage type against this creature: |
Most important elemental resistance against this creature: |
Click here to test your character against this creature