Daemons are fast, but a player can easily outrun them. A player without lag can even outwalk them. They use only magical poison, first and second levels. Daemons can cast up to level 7 spells (and regularly do). They have roughly 300 to 350 mana and are somewhat resistant to spells. When attacking, they use this array of spells: Flamestrike, energy bolt, poison, curse, weaken, feeblemind, harm, clumsy, lightning, magic arrow, fireball, dispel, explosion, and paralyze. In melee fights they can do up to 40 points of damage per hit to an unarmored player, 20 to 35 in full platemail. Tactics for killing: Melee combat is possible if the player wears heavy armor and there is another player nearby to keep him healed. Casting protection, bless, and/or reactive armor on the fighter is also a good idea. - Hartford There are Daemons with all kinds of names. All those daemons are the same old presents wrapped in new giftpaper. Most of the names are based on common mythological and religious titles for demons and devils, with a few creative additions to the list from OSI. - Lord Greyson (Ches) Complete List of Names: Aamon, Agalierept, Agares, Aglasis, Aiwaz, Astaroth, Ayperos, Azatoth, Azmodaeus, Azrael, Baal, Ba`al, Barbatos, Bathim, Bathsin, Bechard, Be`elzubub, Be`elzebubba, Beelzebuth, Botis, Brulefer, Bucon, Buer, Clauneck, Clitheret, Cthulhu, Druzil, El Chupacabra, Eleogap, Eliezer, Eligor, Eracove, Faraii, Fleurety, Frimost, Frucissiere, Fruitimere, Glassyalabolas, GrimmOmen, Guland, Gusoyn, Hael, Haristum, Heramael, Hiepacth, Huictiigara, Humots, Inocard, Khil, Maleki, Marbas, Mephistopheles, Mersilde, Minoson, Molech, Moloch, Morail, Musisin, Naberrs, Nebiros, Nebirots, Nyarlathotep, Pentagnony, Proculo, Pruslas, Pursan, Rofocale, Sargatans, Satanchia, Satanciae, Segal, Sergulath, Sergutthy, Sidragrosam, Sirchade, Surgat, Sustugriel, Tarchimache, Tarihimal, Trimasel, Vaelfar, Wormius, Yog-Sothoth, Y`reif Eci, Zoray (Thanks to Dravon Core of Legends for updating the list)
Daemons killed in the Stygian Abyss give Gargoyle Queen loyalty pointsClick here to see the stats and skills of this creature if it spawns as a Paragon in Ilshenar.