These very tough undead are extremely resistant to magic. Trinsic was cleared very quickly, repeatedly, with just 2 or 3 Rotting Corpses. I can`t even speculate about hit points, other than to say I went hand-to-hand with it for longer than it takes to kill a daemon. When killed, the rotting corpse leaves a locked and trapped chest that cannot be taken from it`s corpse. Lockpicks or the Magic Unlock spell can open the lock which is trapped with a level 1 explosion trap. After the Trinsic occupation, the rotting corpse vanished from the lands only to re-appear in Covetous and later Ilshernar. These new Rotting Corpses are not able to dispel and do note carry chests. Possibly the most enduring monster on Sosaria. Practically immune to magic the only way to beat one is with steel or large pets. While it does not have a hugely damaging melee attack the risk of level 5 poison is enough to warrant a 10 for its OR... Beware any who gets within its deadly grasp... Click here to see the stats and skills of this creature if it spawns as a Paragon in Ilshenar.