The Darknight Creeper is the first of the five champions you have to defeat in the Doom Gauntlet to summon the arch champion known as the Dark Father.
The Creeper is a very odd looking creature with several arms and legs and even a couple of torsos taht look like they're stacked on top of each other.
Don't let its odd look fool you though, it is a very tough opponent that, like all the other gauntlet champions, can kill most people with very little effort.
The Darknight Creeper can appear with any of the following names: Blassarrabb, Centibis, Crenabil, Farthak, Flaggroth, Gragok, Gragragron, Grothelfiend, Krullus, Krygar, Laitesach, Legron, Lorbna, Noirkrach, Pariah, Thranger, Vendodroth, Vilithrar, Ydoc Llessue and Zhaan.